“Honestly? I was really keen to disprove the hype, and say ‘yeah, those inversion tables are okay but they’re nothing special.’ But I’m glad to say I was proved totally wrong.”
That’s Laura from the popular UK-based blog LittleStuff, who recently tried the Teeter EP-560 Ltd. and gave her honest opinion about inverting on a Teeter Inversion Table. Like many of our over two million Teeter users, she was impressed with the benefits.
It didn’t take long for Laura to discover that inversion is one of the most effective ways to improve back health within the comfort of your home. The benefits from inverted decompression (or gravity-assisted traction) include temporary back pain relief, improved flexibility, reduced painful nerve pressure and so much more!
Laura concludes that with the limited time that her and her husband have used their Teeter, they “can’t recommend a Teeter Inversion Table highly enough”! Be sure to read the full blog post “Trying Out Inversion with a Teeter Table Review” on littlestuff.co.uk.
Like Laura, “Feel… Taller. Looser. Free-er” on a Teeter!
Read the article and still need some convincing? Check out some of our Success Stories to hear how Teeter Inversion has changed lives. Back pain doesn’t have to hold you back from doing what you love!
Source from: http://blog.teeter.com/recent-posts/littlestuff-reviews-the-teeter-ep-560-ltd/